Data were sourced from books, journals, newspapers, and government publications using desktop research approach and analytical methods. This study therefore seeks to examine the current state of the State Universal Basic Education Board in facilitating basic education in Osun State, Nigeria towards fostering national development vis-à-vis the challenges being faced by the Board in achieving the goal of basic education. These ranges from poor funding on the part of government to inadequate facilities in schools, shortage of teachers as well as incompetence on the part of educators in primary and secondary schools. However, inspite of the laudable intention of government to promote basic education, a lot of challenges are still visible. Basic education provides avenue for it to keep the government and its people enlightened to ensure that acceptable societal values and developmental steps are taken to sustain a life of economic productivity. The while the final workshop focuses on the pragmatic goal sketching out the courses, events and interventions that can be developed under the aegis of CEU-EHCN.The goal of Universal Basic Education is a vision worthy to sustain veritable development in the society especially in areas that lack relevance due to poor educational facilities and paucity of funds. The second will be devoted to creating a Vision Statement for the humanities at CEU. The first workshop will be concerned with discussing the broad scope of the humanities in society, academia and contemporary activism(s). The Department of Gender Studies and the CEU-OSUN Experimental Humanities Collaborative Network (EHCN) are pleased to invite you to three workshops devoted to creating a Collaborative Manifesto for Experimental Humanities at CEU (read more here). Workshop series: Collaborative Manifesto for Experimental Humanities at CEU In conversation with Borbála Faragó, the poet will offer his views on these issues and will also read from his poems. Do love poems still have relevance? How has love poetry changed throughout the ages? Can it surpass and survive crippling binaries, patriarchy, colonialism, or AI? This event will focus on the role of Love Poetry in our age of discontent. His latest poetry collection, Mondo Cane, won the 2022 Nike Award, the most prestigious distinction in Polish literature. Jerzy Jarniewicz is a Polish poet, literary critic, translator and essayist. At the end of the event, there will also be an opportunity to ask questions and engage with the speakers. They will also reflect on some of its challenges and present some of the resulting audio-visual material. The speakers will discuss the birth of the project and the theoretical and methodological approaches framing it.

Through a series of podcasts and photographs, this project hopes to reflect upon the collective experience of crossing borders (both physical and psychological) and foster the exchange of experiences and emotions connected to transition journeys and migration narratives. It is led by Loren Sandoval Arteaga, a Mexican MA student in Women's and Gender Studies at Central European University and the University of York, living in Europe since 2017 and Madár, a Brazilian interdisciplinary researcher and multimedia artist, living in Europe since 2018. "(in) between worlds/entre mundos" is an audio-visual project that aims to co-create a safe space for migrant, Latina, self-identifying women in Vienna. The project is supported by the OSUN Civic Engagement Microgrant at Central European University and the EHCN Student-led Initiatives Grant. Join the launch of "(in) between worlds/ entre mundos," an audio-visual project that reflects on Latin American women’s experiences of crossing borders. At each partner institution, this collaboration fosters critical reflection, social justice, and practice-rich learning digital and face-to-face public projects and truly integrated interdisciplinary research that draws on history, theory, and experimental practice. Rethinking the humanities in the light of changing technologies, our increasingly connected planet, the ongoing ecological crisis, and the need to create more inclusive institutions.Įxperimental Humanities Collaborative Network (EHCN) is an OSUN-funded initiative headquartered at the Experimental Humanities Center at Bard, NY.ĮHCN supports the development of innovative pedagogy, interdisciplinary research, and public engagement via digital, analog, and conceptual methods to build more just technological realities. How does technology mediate what it means to be human? How have scientific, intellectual, and artistic experiments reshaped human experience in diverse historical and cultural contexts, and how might they shape our shared futures? The Experimental Humanities Collaborative Network